You are a superfan of Leoshine. You want to know the meaning behind the character names, the Myxolidianisms and Aeolian vocabulary. You want to impress your friends with smooth pronunciation of the Aeolian Alphabet .Here is your dictionary, your fast track to understanding the world under the Dome!
ao Kenan Leoshine’s Guide to Myxolidia
In the far distant future, those who read this history of Myxolidia, as well as those who visit, may wish to know the meaning of some terms and place names familiar to the Myxolidian people. Here I, ao Kenan Leoshine, Co-Regent of Myxolidia, offer a humble assortment of definitions and pronunciations to you in hopes that you will feel at home among us.
People Groups
Myxolidian Mĭk-sō-lĭ-dē-ăn – Present-day dwellers and descendants of the first settlers under the Myxolidian Dome. Divided into two groups: Town dwellers and Oxikobh.
Oxikobh Ōk-sĕ-kōb – Myxolidian forest dwellers. Primitive tools, lesser hygiene, hunter gatherer with some small agriculture. More superstitious. Living in compounds. At war with the town.
Town dwellers – Myxolidian town people, following the lead of Curtstas. Stricter adhesion to protocols, greater memory for technology and laws of the ancestors who established the Dome.
Aeolian Ăĕŏ-lĕāņ- Present-day dwellers and descendants of the first settlers under the Aeolian Dome. Progenitors of the Myxolidian Dome. Now invaders and on a mission to rescue the Myxolidian Dome from collapse.
*Woltreaders Ŵōľ-ţŗēďř- Community uniting town dwellers and Oxikobh under Wol’s leadership. Rebels against the Aeolian invasion.
*Barrier Bandits – outcasts of the Oxikobh living in the arid land between the forest and the edge of the Dome.
Leoshine Lēō-shēn or Ŀăŏ-šĥĕň- The youngest child of Curtstas. Mediary between the Aeolians and her own people of Myxolidia.
Avram Āv-rām – Also known as ao Kevath. Chosen leader of the Aeolian mission to regenerate the atmosphere of Myxolidia.
Resham Rĕsh-m- Valet to Avram. Also chief cultural advisor, bodyguard, priest, and physician. Taken from Myxolidia to Aeolia as a child and adopted by ao Kenan Iliana as a son and brother to Avram. Also known as Troxrac in Oxikobh.
Ao Kevad eye-0h Kĕ-văd – High King of Aeolia and Myxolidia. Instigator of the rescue mission.
Curtstas Kĕrt-stŭs- Leoshine’s father. Mayor of the only pre-Aeolian town under the Myxolidian Dome. Studied the Dome and invented a system to record its deterioration. Taken to Aeolia to experience and recognise the benefit of re-establishing connection with our progenitors’ descendants.
Mother – Leoshine’s mother, keeper of traditions. Wifeholder of Curtstas’ compound and expert spinner and weaver of linen.
Iliana Ĭl-ē-ăn-ă- Avram’s mother. Priestess, physician, and teacher. Daughter of a past Overlord of Aeolia. Widow of Avram the first.
Georg Ɣě-ørƔ- Leoshine’s oldest brother. Trained to lead. Brave, trustworthy, and dead.
Giffshine Ghĭff-shēn- Leoshine’s oldest sister. Deranged by several failed Rites of Womanhood. She did not give birth to a live child. A rebel against the Aeolians.
Hillashine Hĭll-ă-shēn -Leoshine’s middle sister. Initiated through the Rite of Womanhood, she is pregnant at the beginning of this history.
Wol Wŏl – Leoshine’s nearest sibling in age. Rebellion against Father transfers to Avram. Leader of the Woltreaders. Intelligent, arrogant, favourite of Mother.
Gavin – Avram’s city general. Giant, gentle, and observant. His wife Heien (Iliana’s niece) and four children (Harlod, Patine, Issy, and Domanine) arrive with Iliana.
Uly Ūlē – Avram’s general. Spokesman for the generals. Expert in transportation. Widower. His wife Aluecia died shortly after they married.
Dorim Dŏrĭm – Avram’s general. Expert with energy forces. He had a wife, Crefar who refused to come to Myxolidia.
Kirim Kĭrĭm – Avram’s general. Brother of Dorim. They were abandoned to Iliana’s orphanages on Aeolia. Loves swimming and boating.
Lantro Lăn-trō – Avram’s general. Quick with the sword. All the generals grew up with Avram, schooled together, trained as soldiers together.
Alan – Avram’s general. Tall and hawk-like. Most cynical and prejudiced of the generals.
Zolous Zŏ-lŏs – Gavin’s second-in-command. Rasset Răs-sĕtt– The chief scientist responsible for the regeneration of the Dome. Dedicated his life to the study and maintenance of the Myxolidian Dome even before the Aeolians landed on Myxolidia.
*Elego Ĕlĕ-gō- The Oxikobh wifeholder of a compound in General Alan’s province. She harbours Wol and his rebellion. She was Resham’s favourite mental sparring partner in his pre-Aeolian childhood. Mother of Shua and Worest and many other children. Gatherer of Oxikobh community, she takes many families in during the uncertain times of Aeolian arrival and Wol’s rebellion.
*Shua Shoo-ă – Also known as Ent Willins. Oxikobh youth, Woltreader healed by Leoshine. Servant of the Tassanara. One-armed son of Elego.
*Yebit Yāy-bĭt – Also known as Worest. Younger brother of Shua. Quieter and more suspicious than Shua. When Elego’s eldest is taken away by his father to join Wol’s rebellion, Worest assumes protective duties in Elego’s compound.
Paulos Păō-lŏs – Avram’s stallion. Imprinted on Avram and trained for war.
Gorphiline Gōr-fălēn – Leoshine’s servant before Avram arrives.
*Byetoh Bī-tō – Giffshine’s failed Initiation partner.
*Angkon Ăij-kŏñ – Hillashine’s successful Initiation partner. Woltreader. *Son of Grithsitok Grĭth-sĭ-tŏk – Wol’s town-bred friend who acts as his second-in-command in his war camp. Son of one of Curtstas’ town councilors. *Chimerah Kē-mĕ-ră – Paulos’ sister. She remained in Aeolia. Known as a vicious, undiscriminating killer of her caretakers. *Mother Creehal Krē-hăll – one of the old women who live in Elego’s compound. She became a wifeholder when the rain last fell from the Dome.
*Mother Dergus Dĕr-gŭs – one of the old women who live in Elego’s compound. *Sharnavart Shår-nă-vărt – The one who remembers. A mystic who carries the memories of his grandmother’s generation. He knows about the original Trickixim and the Tuss’ussrar – the Saviour Princess.

The Dome of Myxolidia – A generated atmosphere first established on a planetine by the Aeolians 1000 years before Avram’s arrival. Her people suffered a tragic schism that led to the Dome’s neglect and deterioration.
Military maneuvers
Bertrae Bair-trāy – A strategy for protecting the town. Four generals are posted to the four points of the compass. Gavin remains in town. The sixth general is available to support wherever he is needed.
Cortransa Cor-trăn-să – When two large bodies of soldiers meet outside the town, this maneuver allows them to mix without accident. The leader of each body swings it around behind him and then converges on the other leader.
*Phaev Gapoih Fāv Găpŏē – a giant black box converted from road making to energy wave blasting. Unglues the pax phaevs that hold membranes together. Used as a weapon against the Woltreaders.
L14 – Hallucinogen found in Myxolidian plant chackwood, and refined to purer form by the Aeolians.
M482 – Muscle relaxant
K12 – topical anesthesia
*Lightboots – Aeolian boots used in medical treatment. They use the same technology as the Dome to regenerate flesh and sterilize infection. See pax phaev.
*Pax Phaev Păx Fāv – a binding molecule in mammilian nervous systems and the Dome’s atmosphere.
*Neuclon Nēw-clŏn – The class of molecule that pax phaevs belong to.
Teshaddar – Tĕ-shĕ-ddahr An electronic shield that secures Leoshine into her saddle.
Talon – Interdomiary Vessel that shuttles between Aeolian and Myxolidia.
Tassanara Tă-ssă-nă-ră – Princess Obenici – Ō-bĕn-ēssē – Oracle
Ephitide Ĕff-ĭ-tyd – Treasure
Whips-tarn Whĭsp-taarn – An Aeolian sprite – character in a fairytale.
Epiphrondite Ĕp-ĭ-frŏnd-yte – Darling
Sassnigor Săss-nĭ-gor – Someone who lags behind
Tobera Tŏ-bear-ă – Diminutive Slave
Babim Bă-bim – Infant Darling
Snoriginund Snor-ĭ-ghĭ-nund – Sleepy Head
Norfinoof Nor-fĭn-oof – Ninny
Torpvehr Torp-fair – Beauty *Kerickspee Kĕr-ĭk-spē – Brave One *Dervic Pubiugh Dĕr-vĭk Pü-ĭgh- Gentle Breeze
Domestic titles
*Wifeholder – The forest dwelling Oxikobh live in pole-fenced enclosures. A man is responsible for building his primary wife a safe place in which to raise their children. The wife is called a wifeholder if she has more than four children. Secondary Wife – cursed for being barren, unable to fulfill her part of the Rite of Womanhood by birthing a live child, despised and outcast until a man decides to keep her to fulfill his manhood upon. Primary wives are required to share their men, but any child touched by a secondary is cursed and has to be killed or purified by a demanding ritual. An even worse curse falls if the secondary wife actually gives birth to a live child. Barrenness due to the Dome’s depletion is unpredictable. In a year of reasonable harvest, a barren woman might have the nutritional strength to conceive and birth a live child. Exposure to the darker forces of outer space leads to genetic mutations and unviable pregnancies. Hence the demand for a live child at the end of the Rite. A woman with several miscarriages, condemned as a secondary wife might suddenly birth a live, strong child. *Drevat Drē-văt – very rare. What secondary wives’ children call them instead of ‘mother’ which is reserved for primary wives. Resham’s Myxolidian mother was a secondary wife, unhallowed by the birth of a live child after her Rite of Womanhood. She lived under the protection of a man but did not enjoy the privilege of an enclosure.
Flora and Fauna
Asced āth-sĕd – Plant Species
Pulimeit Pŭl-ĭ-mēt – Plant Species
Planetine Plă-nět-ēn – the perfect chunk of rock for building generated atmospheres
*Dophenus Skiralious Dŏff-ĭnŭs Skēr-ălēŭs in Aeolian. Skrallypike Skră-lē-pīk in Myxolidian. A squirrel/ape/catlike creature very rare in the Myxolidian forest. Hunted to near extinction.
Chackwood Chăck-wüd – Twigs of a shrub that deliver small quantities of hallucinogen and are good for cleaning teeth. “To suck on chackwood” is to be part of the family. Coeval Cō-ēvaal A stream that runs past an Oxikobh compound. Rare and highly valued. Gallalla Ghă-lă-ăh-lă – Tiny, fierce bird that hides its nest in hedges.
Aeolian Codmockers Cŏd-mŏkk-ers
Barskatrafing Squallywalker – Bår-skătrā-fŋ Skwållē-wå-ker
*Gol Monster – A word Wol invented for his imaginary pig monsters with spears sticking out of gaping wounds all over their bodies. Used by Oxikobh and especially the Woltreaders for ao Kevath Avram and the Aeolians.
*Corsevagar – lover, sexual preditor
Servants and Slaves
Rachnorgat – Raɣ-nor-găt – Victim of the Mercy Plea
Rellogat Rěl-lŏ-găt – Household servant of Myxolidia
Omaeulenen Ō-mæ-ü-lĕ-nĕn – Handmaid to Iliana (Plural: Omaeuli Ō-mæ-ü-lē)
Domelight – The light generated by the Dome for half of a calendar “day.” Interchangeably used with “daylight.”
Eqipgn Oil Ĕkwĭ-pĭdň Oil Cooking Oil
Mother Cloth – Curtstas’ wife, Leoshine’s mother was an exceptional weaver. All Leoshine’s family’s clothing was made from her cloth. She wove blankets and linens for sleeping.
Legend and Myth
*Alsabal ăl-să-băl The Creators
Aeok’n Ā-ō-kĭn The Mother Dome
*Eaogk/Eogk’n Ē-ăō-gk-(n) (gutteral sound in the back of the throat) the Magic, or the Worm. In Myxolidian mythology, the enemy of Aeok’n, jealous of Aeok’n’s beauty and community, Eogk’n slips under the Dome’s skin and makes her sick. The Trickixim are responsible for strengthening Aeok’n against Eogk’n.
*Trickixim Trĭck-ē-ĭck-sēm Initially, the Aeolian scientists who built the Myxolidian Dome. Post schism, the hunted remnant of the ones who knew how to maintain the Dome. Wol is reviving the religion by inventing rituals and creating priests and priestesses to bolster his power and rule.
*Bethspall Bĕth-spaal The first Trickixim of legend.
*Grenlor Grĕn-lor The second Trickixim of legend. *Dxsano’i Dksă-nō-ē – Derived from Oxikobh and pre schism Myxolidian. The captive set free. The symbol of Myxolidian people and their victory over oppressors – Also, Sacrificial Princess or Princess Sacrifice. A priestess of Wol’s renewed Trickixim who prophesies, sings, dances to heal Aeok’n, and is ultimately designed to die to save Myxolidia. *Gol Gŏl – A pig-like monster with wooden stakes sewn through its skin creating pus filled wounds. Used by Woltreaders to refer to Avram. *Sequeacght Sĕk-wē-Ɣt – An Oxikobh atoning ritual in which a victim is drowned in blood. *Tuss’ussrar Tŭß-őßrår – the Oxikobh conlang for Tassanara. The Saviour Princess prophesied by the Sharnavart.
Units of Measurement
Rihg Reeg Paces
Lort Lort Kilometers
Titles of address
ao Kevath eye-0h Kĕ-văth – my lord
ao Kenan eye-0h Kĕ-naan – my lady Tassanara Obenici Tă-ssă-nă-ră Ō-bĕn-ēssē – Princess Oracle *Tassanara Eish Meih Noh Tă-ssă-nă-ră Āsh-Māy-Nōh -Princess who is pursued
Concepts and Rituals and Protocols
Mercy Plea: When one Myxolidian wrongs another, they pay with their life, unless, they call “Mercy.” At that point they become a Rachnorgat – the lowest form of slave. They are kept in animal-like conditions, fed minimally. But at least they are alive. The wronged party becomes the Rachnorgain, or ‘master.’
Rite of Womanhood Myxolidian Initiation for girls into childbearing. Her parents choose a man for her. She must fall pregnant during the ritual. After that, she must give birth to a live child before she is allowed to join her man as a primary wife. If she fails to give birth to a live child, she either stays with her parents, or becomes a secondary wife to any man who will support her. (Note: From her place of privilege, Leoshine’s oldest sister, Giffshine was given several “Initiations” before her father returned from Aeolia and stopped the practice.)
*Day of Contest: Through the week, Avram holds contests with regular soldiers. Combat, Athletics, Strategy. On the day before the day of worship, Avram’s opponent is one of the generals. The regular soldiers watch and cheer for their favourite. Day of Worship: All Aeolian and Myxolidian town dwellers gather in the Worship House to hear Iliana and Resham, or their replacements sing the ceremony of dedication to Ao Kevad.
*New for Book 2 Leoshine, Princess Quarry
This Glossary and Guide is dedicated to a wonderful young woman named Emily, who has contributed a powerful amount of information and advice to Leoshine’s creation. Thank you Emily!