The Modesty Edition

Leoshine, Princess Oracle by N. MacCameron

Travis Williams teased me about how I drew my name on the mock-up cover I designed for Leoshine, Princess Oracle. He said it was so small, was I trying to be modest?

Authors struggle with modesty. We really want you, our reader to engage with our story, our characters, not us. We know that you’d like to know who we are and therefore we do put ourselves out there. This feels like blowing our own trumpet, which feels uncomfortable when we’d really just like to hide behind our story … our characters …

So, when the first proof of Leoshine, Princess Oracle came back without my name on the cover – it had been cut off by a design error – I was quite happy. I told Travis that this was an edition specially made the way I like it.

It will be changed, of course. I will have my name – big and beautiful in a font chosen by Travis – right there on the front for all to read. But please engage with the story.

Please engage with the characters! They are all a faint reflection of me. You can get to know me through them, and then you won’t need my name anywhere, right?

Thank you for reading!

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