Do you love science fiction/fantasy books? Do you like to share books with your friends and family? You can help get the word out about Leoshine by requesting a copy from your local library or bookshop.
Read MoreLeoshine Treasure Hunt

Do you love science fiction/fantasy books? Do you like to share books with your friends and family? You can help get the word out about Leoshine by requesting a copy from your local library or bookshop.
Read MoreTravis Williams teased me about how I drew my name on the mock-up cover I designed for Leoshine, Princess Oracle. He said it was so small, was I trying to be modest?
Read MoreMy family has a long standing tradition of celebrating with champagne and labeling the cork. Everyone in attendance puts their initials on the cork and we save them for posterity.
Read has a new home. TASSANARA.COM will now be the simple, easy to remember and type address for all things Leoshine.
Read MorePlanet Earth is a very tiny spot on the Universe Map, but she is more important than any other because she cradles all the known life. One day we may colonize other planets. We may discover life elsewhere already sprouted. But for now, we are all we have. We can take care of our own.
Read MoreHumans do that. They don’t do it gently or peacefully. History is written by the victors. But I don’t think there is one victor who is not influenced by the people he is trying to subjugate. After a few generations a new culture is born. The Third Culture Kid is the ultimate victor!
Read MoreSpurred and inspired by Colleen McCubbin and Travis Williams, I embarked on the “Snowflake Method” of organising my thoughts on the six books of the Leoshine Series. Snow is a bit of an abomination to me so I prefer to call it the Fractal Method. As a start, I created a spreadsheet to summarize all the books and track their statistics.
Read MoreTo keep you entertained, and to give you an insight into my writing style, I am now publishing short fiction on
Read MoreTo increase my audience on Medium, I investigated various other publications that give readers high quality fiction. At Microcosm, they have writing prompts. In September, they encourage their writers to choose a genre they have never tried and write a short piece. I chose the Western and the Garleys were born. Now I can’t get them out of my head!
Read MoreMy publisher, Colleen McCubbin of Siretona Creative and my sister Bea got together and decided I have innate wisdom that the world needs to hear. I don’t know if I fully believe them, but I play along as long as they play along with me.
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