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She’s out there! Waiting for you to find her and add her to your home library! After 20 years of writing and almost 2 years of processing through the publishing system of Siretona Creative, Leoshine, Princess Oracle is fully launched.
There are already copies at the Okotoks Library, ShelfLife Books in downtown Calgary, and at the lending library that is part of the Good Knights Medieval Camping experience just south of Three Hills, Alberta. Very soon I will travel to Ontario to lodge a few “Leoshine Treasures” in that province!
You don’t have to wait to get your copy. The Tassanara Shop is open for business! Of course you can get mugs and t-shirts, flip flops and mouse pads and lots more Leoshine-themed treasure there. Amazon and Kobo and all the other online stores are open in every time zone around the world!
Do you love science fiction/fantasy books? Do you like to share books with your friends and family? You can help get the word out about Leoshine by requesting a copy from your local library or bookshop. All you need is Leoshine’s unique identification number. ISBN 978-1-988983-18-9 The library and shop owners have access to the global book catalogue and can find Leoshine for you!
Now the work begins to bring Book Two into your hands. Princess Oracle ends as Leoshine escapes. We really, really need book two to complete the introduction to the Leoshine Series. There is more story after that. Myxolidia takes a lot of saving! Leoshine, Avram, and Resham have a date with an epic battle at the end and maybe we’ll even find out who the real enemy is.
Anna has completed the cover painting. Christina is busy now with the first round of editing. Travis is probably already playing with saturation and cover page architecture.
But what is the title of Book Two? Do you have ideas? Let me know in the comments! We’ll have a title reveal closer to the time the cover is ready! I think there need to be prizes, don’t you?
Late Breaking News!
The painting for book two arrived today!