Which reward do you want for joining my ATBBoostR campaign? We started with The Magical Inscription and the Ringtone. We also looked at the eBook and the Audiobook . Today we move to the Signed Paperback and later we’ll explore the Digital and Print of Anna Pederson’s Painting for Leoshine, Princess Oracle. At last we’ll discover the Name a Character and Sponsor a Classroom Rewards! Be part of the team giving Leoshine to her fans!
A Signed Paperback Copy of Leoshine, Princess Oracle
“Signed by the author.” Gives you the feeling you’re in elite circles, doesn’t it? A personal note can change everything.
Choose this reward in Leoshine’s ATBBoostR campaign during the Build her Business program February 1st – March 8th, and you’ll receive a paperback copy of Leoshine, Princess Oracle signed by the author, N. MacCameron.
You’ll be able to read this Sci Fi / Fantasy Adventure in print, and show off your name and the inscription written exclusively for you.
What is ATB BoostR? ATB’s BoostR program is a rewards based crowdfunding platform, similar to Kickstarter and Indigogo, that allows aspiring entrepreneurs to pitch ideas and get feedback over the course of a recommended 30-45 day period. In exchange for financial support, crowdfunders (Boosters) get a reward like a product, service or unique experience. BoostR is a unique way to support local women entrepreneurs. When women are successful, our economy, community and society benefit
.Why did we start Build Her Business? ATB’s Build Her Business campaign is a unique rewards-based crowdfunding campaign designed specifically for women as a means to start and grow their business ideas. Crowdfunding is one of the only forms of financing where women outperform men, and ATB identified this and moved forward with creating a campaign to uplift and support female entrepreneurs in our province.